Standford CS140e 流水帐
CS140e 是今年一月份开的一门使用 Rust 和 Rasberry Pi 教学操作系统的课程,内容包括:
Disks, File systems, I/O, Threads & Processes, Scheduling, Virtual Memory, Protection & Security, Interrupts, Concurrency & Synchronization.
这门课有 5 个 assignment:
- Assignment 0: Raspberry Pi Setup
- Assignment 1: Shell and Bootloader
- Assignment 2: SD Driver and FAT File System
- Assignment 3: Spawn
- Assignment 4: Multitasking and Multicore
我个人蛮喜欢 Rust,再加上下学期上操作系统的课,于是打算在寒假跟着这门课学操作系统。
由于 honor code 的原因,我不会分享实际的代码。